My third crossfit session was today, so much fun! Had a new coach, I think by the end of my initial sessions I’ll have had time with all the coaches, which is great.  I enjoy comparing different coaches styles, it’s great to hear what each coach uses for analogies or corrections, sometimes someone will come up with that one particular phrase that makes you really get a movement or position.

This afternoon I went to the Chiropractor to get my SI Joint loosened up. My Chiropractor Leah is great and it was fun to catch up with her, as my back has gotten stronger I haven’t seen her in a while.

Also this afternoon I started on Objective-C Boot Camp: Foundation and Patterns for iOS Development going through this to get into Objective-C before diving into the wider world of iOS development. I’m using Safari Books Online which is a great service, if you haven’t checked it out, you should.


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