I’m making some plans, chipping away at tasks to try to reach a few goals. The goals cover a pretty broad spectrum of life: fitness, health, work, and focus.

I find myself often distracted from these tasks, finding something clear and fairly easy and obvious to do instead. I think the reason is fairly obvious, the goals and plans and tasks are slightly intimidating, I worry about not being able to reach them, some of the tasks are too big and i need to break them down, some of the plans are too complex.

I had a thought today that something I plan to do with a big project at work could help me with these plans and projects as well.  Basically instead of trying to plan out every little bit of work and activity and research I need to do to get where I want to I’m going to think broadly about the end goal and specifically about only what i need to do next, once finished I’ll think specifically about the next thing and so on.

So… here goes.


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