I have been thinking about surrender lately.  It’s part of a duality I consider often. Especially  in times of stress I find if I fight against the situation I become agitated and often end up working against my goals, trying to swim upstream to a point across a raging river. But if I surrender I calm down and can adapt myself and the situation, jumping into the river, riding the torrent and making my way across safely and with much less effort.

The duality comes in the other concept or phrase I often motivate myself with Just Keep Going, that as long as you are going as long as you haven’t stopped, haven’t given up you are ok.

In this way I don’t think of surrender as giving in, and certainly not as giving up. More an acceptance, a realization of what I can change and what I can’t and deciding what matters.  I don’t want to change the direction or strength of the river, I want to get to the other side.


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