I’ve been into reading quotes from various people, various subject matters lately. I came across a few C.S. Lewis quotes today that really resonated.

The first two are about friendship (obviously)

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis

“What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.”
― C.S. Lewis

I’ve been thinking about friends and friendship quite a bit lately, what it means to be a good friend, how I can be a better friend, what I look for. I really like these two quotes because they capture what it means to first find a friend, many other factors come into play and you don’t have to see all the same truths. Just one shared trust can be the catalyst that prompts you to engage with someone that will become a lifelong friend, regardless of your differences.

The next quote really jumped off the page when I saw it

“You can make anything by writing.”
― C.S. Lewis

I have been writing a lot lately, really a lot, one of the two stories I’m working on right now just passed 10,000 words, the largest one I’ve done by far. This quote really highlights what I enjoy about writing, and reading actually. Both let you into your own mind in a way that’s hard to achieve without creativity, with a certain willingness to turn off your logic and just write down what pops up. You have no limits.

I generally steer away from religious or spiritual topics partly because they are a minefield that seems to have no good outcome and partly because I think it’s such a personal thing, how can you hope to explain it to someone else. It seems like trying to explain how you love someone. And in the end what matters is your actions, what you put into the world, what you take from it.

That said, this quote I like because it made me chuckle.

“Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning…”
― C.S.Lewis


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