I like to do a little recap of what I go up to at the end of each year. The perspective is nice. So here’s the list for 2012 !
Travelled to Romania on a work trip for 2 weeks Went to Cloud Connect conference in San Diego Got a puppy! Volunteered at 3 […]
The end of the year seems to bring out a lot of people’s introspective side. As someone who spends a good deal of time in Introspection Land I find the sudden population bump kind of annoying. Like living in a popular tourist destination during high season.
Mostly what gets me is the, generally, rhetorical […]
So yeah, continuing with my consideration of what I want to do, what I think life is about I did some reading about the meaning of life, see what the internets have to say.
Understand I’m not really expecting I’ll find an answer, I’m hoping to get a better understanding of the question and […]
So here I am trying to figure out what I want to do with myself, particularly job wise. Outside of work I have a pretty good handle on what I want to do, I’m still working on some parts of how and where but i’m feeling ok about it.
This week the job-wise question […]
On Tuesday November 13 I had laser eye surgery (PRK) done at the excellent London Eye Center.
The appointment wasn’t until 3:30pm so I took the morning to bum around downtown Vancouver, one of my favourite places. I hung out at Starbucks, walked around a bit, went to Chapters to […]
I’ve been into reading quotes from various people, various subject matters lately. I came across a few C.S. Lewis quotes today that really resonated.
The first two are about friendship (obviously)
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
Following one of the writers for Castle on twitter linked me to this post about being a nerd girl which then linked me through to the Nerdy Girl Notes
I am struggling to think of words to convey how excited I am to […]
Thinking about what I want to do with myself has me thinking about what I want from a job, what I think I have to offer, really about who I am. It’s been a pretty interesting and surprising experience.
I need a social aspect to my work, well my life really and since work […]
I’ve been ‘working on myself’ as they say for a couple of years. Seriously. Before that I was quite literally stumbling and bumping through life, just trying to keep my head above water.
I’ve never really wanted to be something more I like to be in the moment, I like the experience. Toward the […]
I’ve been thinking about what I like about the sports and hobbies I do, what about them engages me, what I get out of them.
Just for reference hobbies and sports…
* mountain biking
* running
* reading
* writing
* learning about people
What keeps me coming back […]
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